5 Modules
Values Based Wellness Plan
Module 1 : Introduction
Strategies and proper research that improve wellbeing help lead to a thriving workplace. Healthy staff members operating from a sense of meaning and purpose, will open the door to an improved public perception.
Module 2 : Understanding Burnout
High overtime demands and excessive unmanaged stressors lead to high levels of burnout for correctional staff. Pervasive job burnout further drives a poor work– place culture & unrealized correctional goals.
By learning signs, stages, & symptoms of burnout, as well as ways to reduce prolonged stress, we can help promote a thriving workforce.
Module 3 : Hypervigilance
By learning basic brain functioning, staff will understand their own physiological responses to physical risks present within corrections settings.
Thinking critically about how to respond to our environment & workplace helps reinforce the differences between necessary vigilance and unhealthy hypervigilance.
Staff will learn tools that can be used both on and off the clock to manage the negative effects of hypervigilance.
Module 4 : Processing Trauma
Because of the potential high exposure to trauma, psychological hardiness among our correctional staff is important.
Staff will be taught practices which lead to healthy habits of processing trauma and other disturbing events that can occur in the line of duty. The importance of peer support and supervisory encouragement in mitigating the effects of the trauma will also be covered.
Module 5 : Humanization and Wellness
A values-based approach to wellness is needed to work through the dissonance of corrections, prevent moral injury, and equip a soul to withstand the demands of working in a corrections environment.
Global best practices demonstrate correctional cultures shaped by values, beliefs, and norms that promote human dignity and rehabilitation yield improved staff well-being, retention, and job satisfaction.
Kristi Anderson, PhD
In my work, I combine the latest research findings concerning staff wellbeing, with the latest recent developments in neuroscience, to first explain what is happening to our staff, and why a job in corrections tends to bring about a common set of negative outcomes. I continue to study the works of our own scholars and corrections leaders, as well as best practices globally that suggest how to have better outcomes in our prisons.
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